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Gardeners Camden Town at Great Rates in NW1

Easy and efficient gardening for everyone in Camden Town

If you feel like your garden could do with some love, then you should get in touch with us here at Gardeners Camden Town. We know how to ensure that your garden in NW1 looks its best at all times, and to do so at a price that you can easily afford. Our gardeners are on hand to answer your calls so that you get professional advice as well as the best value for money in the local area. Call us today.

Garden maintenance in Camden Town made simple

If you feel like your garden needs someone to have a look over it every now and again, then you may want to think about bringing in our garden care team. We know that having to cater for all of the smaller jobs around the garden can be difficult, but the fact is that if these jobs are not done, the garden will not be thriving as it should be! When you think carefully about how you could attend to these things, it makes more sense to have NW5 garden maintenance expert do the work for you!

Easy garden landscaping in NW1

When you are considering getting a new garden developed, you may want to spare a thought as to who will be doing the work. Many people get builders in to sort out their decking, sleepers and any raised beds. This can often be a mistake as few builders have the horticultural knowledge to ensure that your garden grows well. Our landscape gardeners in Camden Town are on hand to prevent these sorts of problems, and can guarantee that you will be able to build a new garden with your exact design in mind!

Hedge trimming in NW1 is no hassle for us

We can attend to your hedges, and make sure that they look neat and tidy, no matter what kind they are. Whether you are looking for someone to do some pruning on them so that they grow well, or just control them, we can help you out easily. Our team of skilled professionals works round the clock to reduce the stress associated with your NW5 hedge cutting! Call us today and we will tell you about our money back guarantee as well as arrange a booking for you.

Let your lawn look amazing, book our Camden Town gardening experts

Our Camden Town gardening experts are very capable when it comes to lawns. Lawn restoration is often something that is best left to the professionals, and our team can level your land and lay a lovely new lawn for you. We can then attend to it to make sure that it beds in properly, and grows evenly, to give you a great new lawn. We will do weekly mowing as well so that it always looks its best, once it is properly installed. All this without you having to do a thing!

You can save some cash with our gardeners Camden Town

We offer outstanding value for money on all of our gardening services in NW5. Our gardeners are incredibly skilled at all sorts of different jobs, and whether you are in need of lots of work, or just a couple of small bits and pieces, we can assist you. If you need a cancel anytime booking, then just get in touch with us today and we will make sure that everything goes smoothly from then on. Our gardeners Camden Town are waiting to help you out.

2 gardeners x 1h OR 1 gardener x up to 2 hours of work 2 gardeners x up to  2 hours per visit Additional Hour of work Green Waste Additional Green Waste
Garden Maintenance £78 from £127 £60 for both gardeners 3 bags of green waste to be disposed (180L) included £4,5 per 60L bag
Garden Clearance £78 from £127 £60 for both gardeners 3 bags of green waste to be disposed (180L) included
£4,5 per 60L bag
Lawn Care & Repair £78 from £127 £60 for both gardeners 3 bags of green waste to be disposed (180L) included
£4,5 per 60L bag
Jet Wash Service from £4.00 sq.m (covers up to 20sq.m.) £4.00 per additional sq.m.

Our clients say

Contact us

Company name: Gardeners Camden Town
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 07:00-00:00
Street address: 1 Eversholt St
Postal code: NW1 2DN
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Latitude: 51.5279940 Longitude: -0.1321490
E-mail: [email protected]
Description: If you are searching for expert gardeners to rely on every time you need help with your gardening in Camden Town, NW1 contact us today!

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